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Why Is Virtual Team Building Still A Viable Option In 2022?

09 Jun 2022


It is clear that people are continuing to work remotely beyond lockdown, with businesses now offering the option for employees to work from home permanently, or even adopting a hybrid model of working. But how can those companies continue to find ways to get their teams to bond outside of the average work day, when so many are no longer attending the office in person?

Companies tend to use team away-days or team offsite-days as a way for their employees to build good working relationships with one another, explore teamwork in a fun, creative way and improve the morale and company culture; as well as present new and existing employees with an attractive perk in the competitive jobs market.

After COVID-19, companies were forced to cancel all their team building days, dinners, trips and holidays, but still wanted to recreate the magic of a team away day, but virtually, rather than meeting up in person. Since 2020, there was a boom in virtual corporate events, with Christmas parties, department celebrations and even after-work drinks taking place through a webcam. Despite the lifting of regulations 48% of companies are still utilising remote working, meaning the demand for virtual events is showing no signs of slowing.


60% of remote workers have said they are finding it more difficult to feel connected to their employees; this lack of connection between employees reduces effective teamwork and collaboration, and has the potential to sour employees’ overall view and mental investment in the company they’re working for.

Being stuck home alone all day can leave employees feeling isolated; like they are not part of the bigger picture. When video platforms started being used for more than just team meetings, all of a sudden teams had a way of connecting with each other again, turning all of those isolated team members into a fully cohesive group again.

The best way to combat loneliness through remote working, is to join everyone up together again.

But now, it isn’t just physical team building days that we benefit from; virtual team building days are still on the rise, and with new and exciting platforms emerging, companies are no longer limited to Zoom either. As the world has adapted to life post-pandemic, so too has the events industry and the scope of what is on offer virtually is not only more cost-effective, but also more interactive and accessible to all its participants. It’s also very fun.

We recognised this need for change and innovation right at the beginning, when we launched our first immersive, virtual team building experience, Rogue Agent, a live-hosted, virtual escape room.

Huge companies like Amazon, Tesco, Sony and GSK continue to organise their own virtual team building events with ourselves, as part of the “new normal” that has seen industry leaders find new, permanent ways to continue engaging and connecting their employees, sometimes on a global scale. You can read testimonials from all of these clients for yourself.

Corporate events have always been something of an additional perk for employees; an opportunity for them to network, socialise and gain further development within the company. Now, corporate events are more of a necessity. A sure way to retain employees and keep a healthy and effective company dynamic, is by bringing teams and individuals together, and with a virtual event, there is no limit to the numbers or locations that can join.

As part of this exciting change, we designed a variety of virtual events which have been expertly tailored for a corporate audience to be fun, engaging and integral for team building. Our latest event, The Insider, is a new style of virtual event that has been designed based on the needs and feedback from a host of corporate clients. Although based on the principles of an escape room, The Insider is uniquely bespoke to your team or business specifically. A live actor informs your team that there has been a security breach from inside the company and teams then have to hack into computer systems and solve clues to try and figure out who in their company is ‘The Insider’.

This is a brand new experience, created from the ground up, for businesses that have a work from home or hybrid working model. We have adapted our events, so you don’t have to.

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